Friday, July 29, 2022

Featured Exhbitor: Violet Lux Official




Who are you and what do you do?
I am a Minneapolis based artist and lifelong learner who continues to work on the craft and practice my skills daily. My love for the arts is shown through my original artwork, prints, greeting cards, stickers, and commissions. The artwork I make is of a variety of mediums, colored pencil, graphite, acrylic, acryla gouache, gouache, watercolor, really anything that I can experiment with I will! Trying new things is very fun for me.


Is this a full-time business for you?
This is currently not my full-time business & I am working every day to make it my main livelihood, due to the fact I love the arts. I will continue to work on growing my business every day until I make this my full-time business.



How did you get started in your business?
Practicing the fine arts has given me a way to express myself and put a smile on others' faces as well as my own. This business started because I fell in love with making artwork for others and myself. During the process I figured out that it was possible to make a living with my art and although this is not my full-time source of income yet, I do it for the love of art and will continue no matter what.


What motivates you to create?
What motivates me to create is being able to make something beautiful and put it into the world for everyone to enjoy. The colors of the rainbow being used in different ways than you would see in the natural world is so much fun, the pencil on the paper illustrates whatever I want, it can be whatever I make it.



What valuable experience/knowledge did you have before starting your business?
The most important thing I had to get my business up and running was love for what I was doing and the belief that I can make something great out of it. Other than that, to keep learning from everything I do. Figure out what works, what doesn’t work. Practice, learn as much as possible, plan, execute the plan, if it isn’t working, change it and keep moving forward.

Violet Lux Official
Collette La Beau

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